Rosa Plaza Rosa Plaza

Rosa Plaza

Take care of the environment

African Roses with a Dutch touch.
In our flower farm, AQ Roses in Ziway in Ethiopia, we are growing the roses which we sell in Europe under the brand name Rosa Plaza. Our main pillars for growing our roses: quality, service and reliability. With an eye for the environment and social aspects. The company is MPS-A, MPS-GAP and MPS-SQ certified.

Take care of the environment
The climate in Ziway is ideal for growing large- and medium-sized roses year-round with a constant excellent quality. This allows us to grow in greenhouses without heating or cooling systems. We are using as much as possible biological crop protection products and natural predators against insects via an extended IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program. By the use of natural enemies against different kinds of insects we have reduced the usage of chemicals by 50%.

Social aspect
In our view, doing business in country like Ethiopia is impossible without taking our social responsibilities. We also believe that when people are happy and feel respected, they also make a better product.
We have organized for our employees a workers council, education and training program, school for employees' children, security, health care, information through peer educators, sports and entertainment and excellent working conditions.

Visit our website for more information:  
Watch the company movie of AQ Roses:  

  • Rosa Plaza
  • Rosa Plaza
  • Rosa Plaza
  • Rosa Plaza
  • Rosa Plaza
  • Rosa Plaza
  • Rosa Plaza
  • Rosa Plaza
  • Rosa Plaza

Rosa Plaza
Lavendelweg 5
1435 EW Rijsenhout